Holgates Holiday Vouchers
Do Holgates provide voucher codes? Where can I find out about the latest Holgates news?
These are just some of the questions we will be answering here.
Do Holgates Holiday Park Vouchers Exist?
The short answer is no. We do not currently provide voucher codes for any of our holiday homes. This means that if you see any vouchers on any third party websites or discount websites that claim to be Holgates Holiday vouchers or Holgates Holiday voucher codes, these are in fact fake.
We do occasionally run and publish our own discount codes on our own Holgates websites. Any Holgates offers is always owned by us. Exclusive discounts are also sent to customers who sign up to our newsletters. To sign up, simply scroll to the bottom of this page and fill out the form.
Will Holgates release any Vouchers in the future?
We have no plans to work with any third party websites to offer any discounts. All offers and vouchers for any of our holidays will be published directly on our own website or shared exclusively to customers who sign up to our newsletters.
How can I find out about any upcoming Holgates Holiday Vouchers?
In our newsletter we let you know about ALL upcoming offers and services we have available at Holgates. This includes any potential releases of new Holgates Holiday voucher codes or offers.
To sign up for our FREE newsletter, follow the simple instructions at the bottom of this page.
How can I find out about any NEW Holgates Holiday offers and news?
Stay somewhere new with Holgates Cottage Collection
Our collection of 4 / 6 bed self-catered holiday cottages in Silverdale, Arnside & surrounding areas
Family owned and operated since 1956, Holgates Family Group providing outstanding holiday parks and accommodation to enjoy our natural locations throughout the year.
01524 701508
Head Office
Holgates Caravan Parks, Middlebarrow
Plain, Cove Road, Silverdale,
Lancashire LA5 0SH, United Kingdom (UK)
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Ribble Valley
Ribble Valley
Copyright 1956 – 2024 | Holgates Holiday Parks | Company No: 00570598 | VAT No: 153 8708 49